1. Determine the staff’s access type/role and permission set based on the chart below, unless otherwise specified by the requester. 

Note: only non-teaching staff should be added via this process, as any teaching staff will be added automatically via the SIS integration (Clever). 

  • Long-term subs should be using their unfilled teacher account to access i-Ready

School Role

i-Ready User Role

Permission Set


School Administrator

School Managing Admin

Assessment Coordinator

School Administrator

School Managing Admin

Assistant Principal/Dean

School Administrator

School Admin

SpEd Coordinator

School Administrator

School Staff

Anyone else who may need access to all scholars for proctoring or instruction (e.g. RSP teachers, SOMS)

School Administrator

School Staff



Teacher (Standard)

  1. Log in to i-Ready and go to Management in the top navigation bar. Click Manage under Staff, in the Rosters menu. 

  2. In the Manage drop-down, leave selection as Staff and change the School drop-down selection to All Schools

  3. A list of all staff with access will appear. At the top, click in the Staff Name search box and enter the last name (and first name if necessary) of the staff member you are trying to add  to confirm they haven’t already been added before.

  4. If the Staff member does not appear in the list, proceed to create their account, by going  to the Actions drop down menu at the top right and selecting Add Staff.

    1. Enter the following information in the corresponding fields:

      1. First name

      2. Last name

      3. Alliance email

      4. School

      5. Username (add admin before the alliance email  - i.e. admintestemail@laalliance.org)

      6. Enter and confirm password: admin

    2. Click Save & Continue

    3. Skip next screen, click arrow to move on

    4. Ignore next screen and click arrow to Save & Close

  5. If you need to change the newly added staff member’s permission set from the default (School Admin), search for them as in steps 3-4 above. 

Click on the + next to their name to expand the row, then click Edit Staff Information, in the Permission Set drop down, select the new permission set. Click Save.