Schools can request support in identifying students that have not completed a particular CAASPP/ELPAC assessment. 

CAASPP and ELPAC completion reports are downloaded from the Completion Status System.

Take the following steps to download a Plan and Manage Testing Report to identify any student(s) that have NOT completed a particular test:

  1. Log into the Completion Status System using your TOMS login credentials

  2. Select your user roles (LEA or Site Coordinator) in the Administration Details box. Then select [Submit]. The specific school selected from the District dropdown does NOT matter.

  3. On the Administering Tests page select the down-arrow icon to expand the menu selections and select Plan and Manage Testing.

  4. Apply the following criteria to the Plan and Manage Testing Report:

    1. (Optional for ICA/IAB and HS CAST) In the Search Students panel, specify the grade level when assessed (e.g. grade 9 or 10 if pulling for an IAB, or grade 11 or 12 for CAST)

    2. In the Choose What panel, select Smarter Summative, CAST,  Smarter ICA, Smarter IAB or Summative ELPAC as the Test Instrument

    3. In the Get Specific panel, specify “students who have not completed 1st opportunity in the selected administration. 

    4. Select the [Export Report] button.

  5. The report will include students that have either a paused test or have not started (find an explanation of each status type here).

Note: The completion status system and its reports require overnight processing to fully update each student’s completion status - meaning, if you’re pulling the report while students are actively testing, their test status may not indicate their true level of completion at that moment. The ideal time to pull this report is the next morning, prior to any testing taking place that day. 

Additional considerations:

  • Recent enrollments/exits will likely not have been updated in CALPADS so the report may include students that have been exited recently and/or students may be excluded that recently enrolled. 

    • Exits in CALPADS will likely not remove the student from the completion report before the testing window closes because they would have to be enrolled in another CA school for the system to remove the student from the roster - something that schools should be informed about.

    • Recent enrollees would need to be enrolled in CALPADS so send a request along to to have the record updated. It will take two days from the time the CALPADS record is updated before the student will have access to the test.

      • For concurrent enrollments (CCEs), the process will take longer. Teconcurrent enrollment will prevent the scholar from taking the test at the school. For the scholar to be able to test, the previous school has to either close their enrollment or 14 days have to pass from the time our enrollment record was added to CALPADS. After that 2 more days have to pass for the scholar to show up in TOMS. Consider the close of the Alliance and state's testing window and advise the school on the possibility of testing beyond the close of the Alliance window if circumstances allow.