Pre-built participation reports can be accessed via the assessment tiles (which link to "assessment views") on a user's dashboard.  These pre-built participation reports specify the grades participating in a particular test and determine completion within a pre-determined testing window. 

To access a participation report to determine which students have NOT completed a test:

  1. Log into Illuminate and access the appropriate tile from the Tile Dashboard 
  2. Select Participation from the Assessment View navigation menu
  3. The Participation Report will open up in a new tab. You can specify the following to filter participation:
    • Site: default selection will be Alliance College-Ready Public Schools - switch the selection to a specific site.
    • Select the [Additional Filters] button if you need to specify the grade (for tests applicable to multiple grades)
    • Group Students By: Grade level would be the appropriate selection if pulling a report for a school
    • Select Assessments: Select the specific test you're pulling the completion report for.
    • Select the [View in browser] button.
  4. The participation report will tell you the number of students that have completed the assessment out of the number of students eligible. Select the # of # students link under the Data column to be shown a list of students that have NOT completed the test.  Select the [Download to Excel] button for a spreadsheet you can copy/paste from in your response to the school.