All schools have access to a Spanish-language version of the Math Diagnostic. This should be used only for scholars whose reading and writing abilities are stronger in Spanish than in English. This group should only include newcomers, and only those who scored a 1 on their latest ELPAC score. Students will take the test in Spanish all year to ensure compatibility. Note that non-Spanish speaking newcomers are required to take the test - no exemptions will be granted. See here for a comprehensive guide from i-Ready on using Spanish-language Diagnostics.

Administrator Instructions

  1. Log into i-Ready Admin site.
  2. Select Management --> Settings --> Select Manage under Assessment
  3. Select Math Diagnostic Language --> Click [Select Language] button
  4. At this point you can select the language for specific classes, report groups, or students --> Select the green right-arrow button 
  5. Specify the specific students/classes you'll be assigning the math diagnostic to in Spanish --> after selecting students in the left panel (English) select the blue arrow button to transfer them over to the right panel (Spanish) --> select the select all checkbox on the right --> select the green [Save] button

Teacher Instructions

  1. Teachers need to go to their Roster tab > select Student Rosters > Select the desired student, open the + to expand the box. From the Edit Student Settings box, slide the Math Diagnostic in Spanish toggle to Blue, ON. Save.