Find information about the SSR release schedule for CAASPP here and for ELPAC here.
To download SSRs from TOMS:
- Log into TOMS as a Site Coordinator - CAASPP or ELPAC depending on which test's SSRs you're looking for
- Navigate to Reports --> LEA or Site Reports --> CAASPP/ELPAC School-Level Student Score Report PDFs --> Select the admin year --> At this point, you have two options: (1) Download the SSRs in bulk OR (2) Download a limited set of up to 10 individual SSRs by entering SSIDs
- To download in bulk,select the "All" options for School List, Grade Level, Assessments (applicable to CAASPP only) and Score Report Language --> Enter a name for the download in the Name Your Report field --> Select the "Yes" option under Merge Files --> Select the blue [REQUEST REPORT] button --> TOMS will send you an email including a secure link to download the SSRs - they'll be batched by grade.
- When downloading ELPAC SSRs, you'll have to specify for which test from the Testing Program selection
- When downloading ELPAC SSRs, you'll have to specify for which test from the Testing Program selection
- To download individual SSRs, you'll scroll down to the Download PDF(s) by Requested SSID(s) section and enter the SSID(s), separated by a comma if downloading for more than one --> Select the blue [REQUEST REPORT] button to download the SSRs --> TOMS will send you an email including a secure link to download the SSR(s).
- To download in bulk,select the "All" options for School List, Grade Level, Assessments (applicable to CAASPP only) and Score Report Language --> Enter a name for the download in the Name Your Report field --> Select the "Yes" option under Merge Files --> Select the blue [REQUEST REPORT] button --> TOMS will send you an email including a secure link to download the SSRs - they'll be batched by grade.