To determine if a student is eligible for a particular CAASPP assessment, i.e. that they'd be able to log into and take a particular assessment, take the following steps:

  1. Log into CAASPP TOMS
  2. Find the student by navigating to the Students page
  3. Under View & Edit enter the student's SSID, then select SEARCH
  4. Select the magnifying glass icon under the Actions column
  5. Navigate to the Test Assignments page in the student's profile to view that student's Current Active Test Assignments
  6. Test Assignment Status will have a green check mark (Assigned) if the student is eligible for that particular test.
  7. If a change to the test assignment needs to be made [e.g. from the Smarter Balanced for ELA and Math and CAST to the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs)]  you'd check the checkboxes next to the CAAs in the Add or Remove Test Assignments panel. 
  8. If you've made any changes to test assignments, select the blue [SAVE] button at the bottom of the page and notify the school that the update's been made and that it'll take two days for the test assignment to be fully processed - meaning the student can log into take that test two days from now.