To determine if a student is eligible for a particular CAASPP assessment, i.e. that they'd be able to log into and take a particular assessment, take the following steps:
- Log into CAASPP TOMS
- Find the student by navigating to the Students page
- Under View & Edit enter the student's SSID, then select SEARCH
- Select the magnifying glass icon under the Actions column
- Navigate to the Test Assignments page in the student's profile to view that student's Current Active Test Assignments
- Test Assignment Status will have a green check mark (Assigned) if the student is eligible for that particular test.
- If a change to the test assignment needs to be made [e.g. from the Smarter Balanced for ELA and Math and CAST to the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs)] you'd check the checkboxes next to the CAAs in the Add or Remove Test Assignments panel.
- If you've made any changes to test assignments, select the blue [SAVE] button at the bottom of the page and notify the school that the update's been made and that it'll take two days for the test assignment to be fully processed - meaning the student can log into take that test two days from now.