To view assessment reports in Illuminate, take the following steps:
- From the tile dashboard, select the appropriate assessment view (a tile will link to an assessment view (i.e. a bundle of assessments - e.g. 22-23 Science Cumulatives)
- On the Assessment View page, you'll land on the Overview page where you'll see graphs displaying overall performance results.
- If you want to export the results for all of the tests included in the assessment view/bundle, you'll select the Assessments Summary link under Reports. This will take you to a page that gives you the option of exporting basic performance data for each student in Excel format.
- To view reports for a particular test (so if you're viewing the 22-23 Science Cumulative assessment view, you'd select the link to view either the HS test or the MS test), select the appropriate link under Assessments.
- From the Assessment Overview page, you can select the Reports link in the navigation menu.
- From the Reports page, you'll be presented with a number of Prebuilt and Custom reports available for the test. For an explanation of what each report will show you, review the abstracts here.
- From the specific report page, you can filter by roster date, student group, specific courses and if you select the Additional Filters button, grade levels, English proficiency, race, special education status, etc. After filtering you have the option to either download to Excel or View in browser.